
ProLift Garage Doors Welcomes Five New Partners


ProLift Garage Doors is proud to welcome five new business partners to the Premium Service Brands family! We’re a thriving franchise dedicated to superior service and professional product, all over the country.

Once our partners have made the decision to take control of their lives and to become their own bosses, we start an intensive on-boarding process to prepare them for maximum success in their territories. Over a month of online meetings, classes, and one-on-one time with their business coaches culminates in the week-long intensive course held at the corporate office in Charlottesville, VA. During this week, owners not only meet the staff that will support their journey to small-business ownership, but also learn from each other and are prepared to tackle any issue that may arise. At the end of the week, they “graduate” and return home, excited to grow their own small businesses.

Three ProLift Garage Doors owners and business partners came to Charlottesville from diverse parts of the US: Chris Tillman is from South Charlotte, NC, Kevin Dewald is opening ProLift Garage Doors in Grand Rapids, MI, Jude Daudu and Steve Locher will be servicing Sugar Land, Texas, and Aaron Bernstein will be opening a new Pro-Lift Garage Doors branch in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The week-long training in Charlottesville covered a wide variety of topics and was truly an intensive experience designed to get the new owners thoroughly prepared. They dealt with topics like digital marketing, price estimations, vendor relationships, and business strategies with the guidance of their on-boarding team and business coaches. Their hands-on approach included price-estimations in the office and in neighborhoods.

Now that graduation is over, our partners are heading back home to open up businesses tailored to meet their community’s needs. They’ve taken the steps to become their own bosses and to achieve their dreams of supporting their families and their local communities. Can you see yourself in their shoes? Call us today to learn more about how franchising with Premium Service Brands can be your road to achieving your small-business dreams: (888) 318-1697.